
Best tags and filters for Django templates


Install with pip:

pip install best_templatetags

Then declare the app in your


To use the filters, add in your template:

{% load best_filters %}

To use the tags, add in your template:

{% load best_tags %}


age give the age in year
basename give the basename of the path
dirname give the directory name of the path
divide Divide by a value
get_key Give access to a dict value with a key contained in a var
listsort Sort a list or a list of lists/tuples
listsortreversed Sort a list or a list of lists/tuples in reversed order
multiply Multiply by a value
replace Replace a substring
resub regex substitute a substring
sanitizetags Remove all tags that is not in the allowed list
truncat truncate the string at the specified pattern


extend_url Update url parameters
hash Return a hexadecimal md5 digest of a string
render_template Render a string as it was a Django template
update_url Update url parameters

Indices and tables